In Ontario, the Drive Clean program is an emissions control program to reduce air pollution. This is accomplished by testing and certifying vehicles on the road to guarantee that they meet Ontario's emission regulations. The Drive Clean campaign began in 1999 and has continued to this day. We at ETRH Mobile truck emission test can perform Drive Clean testing. So, if your vehicle needs a clean drive test, and you are scouting the best drive clean emission testing agency in Ontario, contact us.
Who Needs to Have A Drive Clean Test?
Your car must pass an emissions test on renewing your registration and license plates if it is seven years old or older. From carrying goods from manufacturers to the stores, delivering essentials\packages/mails to picking up our trash trucks and buses plays a vital role in making our everyday lives convenient. Public transport and personal vehicles transport thousands of people around cities every day. However, as much as cars make our life easier, it has also affected public health and global warming.
How Often Do I Have to Get My Vehicle Tested?
The test period differs between standard vehicles and 'heavy' vehicles (heavy trucks and buses). Average vehicles (cars, vans, SUVs, etc.) seven years or older must be tested every two years. Heavy vehicles such as heavy-duty trucks and buses must be tested every year, and there are no exemptions. The car must be tested before it may be registered to drive. No exceptions are made.
What If My Vehicle Fails?
The Drive Clean test is passed by mostly 90% of automobiles. The remaining 10% fail due to a maintenance issue that can usually be resolved with little effort. Failure to pass a Drive Clean test carries no penalty or fee. If your car needs to pass a clean drive test and has already received one conditional pass, it cannot be lawfully registered until it passes the test. Therefore, it is generally in the driver's best interest to make the necessary repairs for their car to pass the Drive Clean test. Another vehicle can be purchased as an alternative.
Preventative Care is Important
Maintaining a well-maintained vehicle can save you money on repairs and benefit the environment by reducing emissions. It's critical to stick to your vehicle's manufacturer's recommended maintenance regimen. If your check engine light comes on, get your automobile checked out as soon as possible by a certified mechanic.
Mobile Truck Emission Test is the perfect choice for you. We offer emission testing with over 20 years of commendable expertise in using up-to-date gadgets. Testing involves routine vehicle emissions testing to satisfy requirements imposed by the Drive Clean Ontario program. Contact us today to get your truck tested. If scouting the most reliable truck & trailer emission test, get in touch with us.